Hello Friends and Family! Welcome to the Page of Rolf Flaig!
Hello Friends and Family! Please Support me...
Today I am asking for your support for a cause that has become very near and dear to me. Many of you are aware that for over 10 years I have been participating in the Black Woods Blizzard Tour to help raise money for the victims and the families of ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease). As many of you may know by now, there is no effective treatment or cure for ALS. Victims have a life expectancy of only 2-5 years after diagnosis! The most difficult part of this deadly disease is the journey it takes these patients and their loved ones on. A journey that will eventually require 24 hour care as well as a myriad of medical devices and supplies! All of this takes an emotional, physical, and financial toll on those involved in this journey. Each year the Black Woods Blizzard Tour, through support from people like you, is able to raise over $1 million to help support ALS victims and their families. For this reason I am asking you for your donation to help me reach our goal of supporting this important cause. Many of you have donated before and I cannot thank you enough for your past generosity! I hope I can count on you again! For those of you who haven't participated in the past, here is your opportunity to make a real difference. No matter how big or how small your contribution is, every dollar helps, every dollar counts, and every dollar goes to aide the victims and their families! So I am asking, make a contribution today! Be part of the world's largest snowmobile fundraiser and help make a difference for the victims of this horrible disease.
Why I am Riding:
When I first joined the Black Woods Blizzard Tour over 10 years ago, I really knew very little about ALS or the Blizzard Tour. All I knew was it seemed like a great way to combine my love of snowmobiling with a great cause. Since then I have come to know way more about this deadly disease and the tragic effects it has on people and their loved ones. Since I started supporting this great cause, I have lost a cousin, three policy holders, and am about to lose another to ALS! It has become personal. I get tears when I hear their stories, I get tears when I think about the cost to families, I get tears when I think about the inevitable end that awaits these victims and their loved ones! So I ride to help make a difference, I ride because I care, I ride because these families need our support! Thank you for yours!!!
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